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  • Writer's picturemadeleinefarrant

Sebaceous filaments

Updated: Aug 30, 2021

These are not so much a skin concern - as they are completely natural and part of healthy skin. However, many people can find them bothersome and often mistake them for blackheads - sadly this was me, for a very long time. Here I explain what they are and why we shouldn't try to get rid of them - but instead what you can do to minimise their appearance.

What exactly are sebaceous filaments?

A sebaceous filament is a thread-like structure that resides in the lining of your pores, allowing sebum to travel from the sebaceous gland to the surface of the skin. This moisturises the epidermis, keeping your skin healthy.

A lot of the time, sebaceous filaments are not visible - however when the pore fills with oil and particularly if you have large pores, they can slightly resemble small blackheads - but are lighter in colour, often a dark tan.

How do they differ from blackheads?

A blackhead is a blockage at the top of the pore, preventing the sebum from reaching the surface of the skin - while a sebaceous filament allows the flow of oil. If dirt/dead skin cells/bacteria are present, however, a sebaceous filament can turn into a blackhead - so it is important to keep your skin clean and exfoliate regularly.

Why are mine so visible?

This is just one of those things where sadly a lot of it is down to genetics. Our pore size and sebum production are major factors, and for the most part, these are genetically determined. Not picking at your skin and wearing SPF daily will help prevent your pores from enlarging over time, but otherwise, you can't "close" or "shrink" your pores.

Is there anything I can do to reduce their appearance?

Yes! Cleansing regularly, particularly with a salicylic acid-based wash will prevent the build-up of oil and dead skin cells. Salicylic acid is lipophilic, so can penetrate the pore and break down the sebum effectively.

Alpha hydroxy acids such as glycolic & lactic acid are also great options to exfoliate away dead skin cells - you can get professional peels done in-clinic or use an over-the-counter serum.

Product links:

Salicylic acid cleanser: CeraVe SA Smoothing Cleanser

What not to do:

Please don't obsess over them with a magnifying mirror or try and squeeze them out - you will most likely just end up damaging the skin and potentially cause scarring. I promise, no one notices them more than you.

Et voilà! I hope this post has helped you better understand sebaceous filaments and why we need them. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments!

Lots of love

Madeleine xoxo

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