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Hi, my name is Madeleine and welcome to Biochemist Beauty 🤍

I am skincare obsessed and have a degree in Biochemistry and the Chemistry of Cosmetics, so have created this space to share with you everything skin and skincare related, with a bit of a scientific twist.

With so many products and buzzword ingredients being advertised in the skincare world of today, it can be hard to know what does what and what is best for you.

With Biochemist Beauty I hope to decode that for you in a fun and inspiring way (not as if you were reading a Chemistry textbook)!

Having personally suffered with acne from a very young age and then additionally scarring and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, this is a subject very close to my heart.
I know how tricky skin can be and how important it is feel comfortable in your own skin, without loads of makeup to hide it.


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