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  • Writer's picturemadeleinefarrant


Updated: Nov 17, 2021


So, let me start by saying I have honestly tried every hair removal method under the sun - you name it, I've tried it. I also have very thick & dark hair that grows at lightning speed (fabulous for my brows + lashes, but a bit of a pain for the rest of my body).

Before we dive into the details - I have tried the following hair removal options below, and frankly was not satisfied with any of the methods/results. They were either too painful, the hair grew back too quickly or just not convenient (anyone tried to line up waxing appointments with holidays)?!

o Shaving (grows back too fast)

o Waxing (expensive, painful, annoying linking up timings)

o Threading (painful, annoying linking up timings)

o Sugaring (expensive, painful, annoying linking up timings)

o IPL (expensive, time-consuming, not effective)

o Hair removal creams (irritating, not long-lasting)

o Epilator (painful, not that long-lasting)

So, on my mission to turn into a nude mouse, I looked into laser hair removal - researching different clinics and laser brands. I knew not all lasers were created equal and didn't want to be messing about with what is quite a powerful machine on my most intimate parts (!).

I chose to go with Laser Clinics UK (Fulham, London branch) who used a Candela Gentle Max Pro laser on me. Candela is a very well trusted & respected brand in the aesthetics industry, and they have a record of proven results backed by science. Laser Clinics UK also has excellent reviews and great prices compared to competitors. I have linked Candela and Laser Clinics UK at the bottom of this post.

Now, with laser hair removal there is always the upfront initial cost if you buy packages, but it is worth it financially and time-wise in the long run - so, I saved up and bit the bullet.

THE PROCEDURE ITSELF - for reference, I had my underarms, Hollywood area, upper lip & legs done. FYI to the guys, most women have a few dark hairs on their upper lip - they're not that noticeable but I chose to get rid of mine.

ON THE DAY: you arrive with the area shaven (not waxed/threaded etc) and strip down. As I was essentially having my whole body done, I lay on a bed pretty much naked except for the pair of protective goggles, which was slightly bizarre the first time - however you have to remind yourself that the therapists see hundreds if not thousands of naked bodies.

THE LASERING: each laser zap feels like a hot elastic band smacking against your skin, but is honestly pretty painless - cold air technology is blasted simultaneously to keep the skin cool. I have to warn you though that the Hollywood area is, as you may imagine, not the most comfortable. I get through it by repeatedly saying "no pain, no gain".

See video below for a reference of what it is like being lasered:

AFTERWARDS: you are given some soothing aloe cream and SPF. With everything done, I am in and out in about 30 minutes - so it is a very quick procedure, and then you return in about 6 weeks for the next treatment.


I am over the moon with the results. The laser does what it says on the tin - my hair doesn't grow anymore from the areas treated. For obvious reasons, I don't have before & after pictures - just the video above so you can see what the procedure is like.


Overall, laser hair removal gets a 10/10 for me - it beats every other hair removal method I have tried and I particularly recommend it to those with darker/thicker hair or if hair removal is something that you find tedious. I would spend every penny on it again.

Also, for the men that have clicked on this post - it may not be totally irrelevant to you; there has been a 46% increase in male hair removal procedures since 2000.

And that's it - I hope this has helped anyone considering laser hair removal, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer :)

Lots of Love,

Madeleine xoxo


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