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  • Writer's picturemadeleinefarrant

High Frequency - tech for the face

Updated: Jul 29, 2021

I’ll be frank, this device looks like some crazy sex tool - my guy friends all give me odd looks when they come into my room and don’t quite believe me when I tell them it’s for use on the face - and not anywhere more intimate.

In my opinion, this somewhat intimidating looking device is such an underrated tool in the skincare industry, particularly for treating acne at home - in this blog post I’ve outlined what it is as well as how it can work for you.

Cool bit of history before we dive in: high frequency devices as we know them today were originally developed by Nikola Tesla - so are also known as the Tesla high frequency current. Their initial purpose was to help treat infections thanks to their anti-microbial properties before we had modern-day antibiotics. Now you'll mainly see them in the spa.


  • Oxygenates the skin - kills acne-causing bacteria, thus reduces & prevents breakouts

  • Reduces inflammation + redness

  • Increases circulation - helps with dark under-eye circles

  • Reduces excess sebum production - can help with enlarged pores


The glass electrodes are filled with either Argon or Neon gas and when switched on + applied to the skin, an electrical current is generated (not as scary as it sounds I promise).

This does a few things; firstly it oxygenates the skin (which kills bacteria) and also has a mild thermal effect, which stimulates blood flow and in turn cell renewal + collagen & elastin production.

When turned on the electrodes will glow slightly - if you have Neon gas you'll get an orange colour & if you have Argon it will be violet. It is said that Argon is better for acne and Neon is better for anti-ageing, however, more research is needed on that to back it up. They will also make a buzzing/ zapping sound - very satisfying when targeting an annoying pimple, you feel like you are electrocuting it.

HOW TO USE? Step-by-step guide:

  1. Cleanse your face before beginning, using something mild.

  2. You can then apply a serum if you wish, but this is not necessary. A good option would be one with growth factors in, but these can be quite ££££.

  3. Next, apply a gauze onto the area - you can purchase these v cheaply from Amazon.

  4. Now turn on your device with the electrode, and hover it over the affected areas of your skin in circular motions for a few minutes. Don't press the electrode onto the skin - this actually makes it less effective, there should be a 0.5-1 cm gap or so.

  5. Finally moisturise your skin, ideally with a product that contains ceramides to aid in barrier function.


Typically there is not much downtime - your skin might be a bit red but this should not last long at all. If you use it for too long it can dry out your skin, so don't have the setting up to high and make sure you don't leave it on one area of the face for too long.

If you have sensitive skin or your skin is particularly inflamed from psoriasis or rosacea, it is probably best to avoid as it could exacerbate the issue.

Voilà! Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below <3

Lots of love,

Madeleine xoxo

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