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  • Writer's picturemadeleinefarrant

Beauty sleep - snooze your way to better skin

Updated: Jul 30, 2021

The term "beauty sleep" exists for good reason - scientific studies have shown it has quite the impact on skin health - although as a child I thought it was a sneaky tactic to get me to go the bed earlier (probably still true).

Our bodies go through quite a few changes while we sleep - particularly hormonal ones. In deep sleep, cortisol ( our "stress hormone") goes down and melatonin (our "sleep hormone") increases. Our body and our skin, are in restore mode here - combatting the environmental stressors from the day and repairing our cells - very important stuff!

In this post, I will discuss the science behind "beauty sleep", how much you need and some top tips on how to maximise your routine to nod off ASAP.

How sleep (or lack of it) impacts your skin:

Wrinkle formation & ageing - we produce collagen (an important structural protein of the skin) while we sleep, so not getting enough ZZZs can lead to fine lines over time as well as sagging. Your cells also have less time in "repair mode" meaning damage from the environment accumulates - also a big no-no for ageing.

Ashy appearance (or the zombie look) - when we are sleeping, our bodies boost blood flow to the skin. If you don't get enough, this leaves you looking - and feeling - quite lifeless.

Puffiness (especially around the eyes)! - This is one is a big giveaway of a sleepless night and is caused by a salt imbalance, from elevated cortisol (remember, the "stress hormone"). It causes you to retain more water et voila, you have a moon face & eye bags.

Dark eye circles - we are all too familiar with the panda look. Dark circles appear under your eyes due to inadequate blood flow, which causes it to pool in the under-eye area. The skin here is super thin, so it really shows through. Other factors such as genetics influence this, but getting enough sleep can definitely help.

How much sleep should we (adults) be getting?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need around 7-9 hours. Getting less than this can have an adverse impact on your skin (and health)!

Tips on getting better sleep!

What you can do in the morning:

  • Get outside & in the sunshine within the first 30 minutes of waking - this helps with your circadian rhythm (aka your body's internal body clock)

  • Move your body - exercise is brilliant for the body, but if you exercise too close to bed then it can be hard to fall asleep - you are like the Duracell bunny with all the endorphins running around.

A few notes on food & booze:

  • Limit caffeine, & ideally avoid past 1 PM. I am a sloot for coffee, but had to switch to decaf because it was wreaking havoc on my sleep - even if I just stuck to drinking it in the mornings. Some people are less sensitive than others, so play around and see what works for you

  • Hydrate throughout the day & not too close to bedtime. We all know how annoying it is when you are all cosy in bed and you have to get up to pee

  • Limit booze (my kryptonite is red wine - I know this is a hard one). Some people may think that alcohol helps them fall asleep, however, it is damaging to your sleep quality - you will spend less time in 'deep' sleep as it suppresses the REM (rapid eye movement) stage

  • Don't go to bed hungry, but don't eat loads just before bed either. It might sound picky, I know, but if you are hungry you won't sleep and if your body is too busy digesting then it won't be focusing on cell repair. Have a medium-sized meal where you finish 2 hours before you snooze away.

What you can do in the evening:

  • Watch your screen time - we all know this one, it is just hard because Instagram is so bloody addictive. Just try your best and tell yourself that Instagram (or insert other social media channel *here*) will still be there in the morning

  • Avoid any stressful conversations (if possible). Now is not the time to ask why your boyfriend liked Jessica's bikini photo

  • Read - almost all of us should be reading more. I recommend a book that is not too exciting - something by Albert Camus is a good option for this

  • Take a warm bath/shower - This is a brilliant way to destress. Add in some essential oils, baths salts, hang a eucalyptus if you want to have extra spa like vibes

  • Set regular sleep (and wakeup) times - this helps your body get into a routine with your circadian rhythm, so it will know when it is time to sleep/rise and shine

  • Make sure your room is cool - around 15-20 degrees Celsius. Studies have shown that cooler temperatures facilitate deeper sleep than warmer ones

  • Wear socks when you go to sleep - this helps with temperature regulation & will actually help your core temperature cool down

  • Block out any light - invest in some blackout curtains or get a good sleep mask. Light blocks melatonin production, our "sleep hormone"

  • Save the bedroom for sleep and sexy time only. This helps create a mental space where these two activities are reserved for ;)


  • Sleep on your back - prevents wrinkles

  • Invest in a silk pillowcase - also prevents wrinkles and moisture loss

I hope you have found this post useful :) Let me know if you try any of these tricks in the comments below.

Lots of Love,

Madeleine xoxo

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